5 Things you Didn’t Know you Could do with Formulayt

The Formulayt platform makes it easy to deploy optimised web forms at scale and it helps ensure your data governance. But is capable of even more. Here are the top 5 features and applications of Formulayt that will take your web forms to the next level.
1. Block Personal Email Domains
For B2B marketing there are several benefits to obtaining a business email rather than a personal one. Firstly, your email is likely to reach them at the office during work hours. Secondly, it may be possible to utilise data enrichment services like DemandBase.
Setting up email validation in Formulayt is easy, simply use the regular expression from our knowledge base.
Say goodbye to junk email addresses
2. Dynamic Dropdowns
The length of the list of options on your dropdown will have an impact on your conversion rate. Make your forms as user friendly as possible by doing some of the work form them. For example, once a user has selected a country you can narrow down the options for the state field.
I want Smart Dropdowns
3. Using Query Strings to Set Default Values
Wouldn’t it be great if you could use information from a query string (product id for example) and have it set the default for a field? Well you can do just that. This can be great for helping users by completing aspects of the form for them or passing useful information to your sales and marketing teams though a hidden field.
Let’s set up some default values
4. Show a Gate on Page Load
Normally, modal forms will appear when the user clicks a button. In some cases, you may want the form to appear as the page loads, with no action from the user.
Show me how
5. Gate an Entire Page
Having your content on a page rather than hidden in a PDF download is good for your SEO, but what if you still want to restrict access to the content. Page locks give you a variety of options for gating your on-page content. You can gate the whole page, have the form appear after a certain amount of time or scroll, and even hide and reveal specific elements.
Show me how to lock it down
Discover More in the Knowledge Base
So that’s our top 5 things you didn’t know you could do with Formulayt, if you want to learn more check out the Knowledge Base.