Top 5 tempting reasons to come to Oracle Openworld Europe


This February, Oracle opens its arms once more and welcomes delegates from across sales and marketing fields to join them for two days of knowledge sharing. They invite you to ‘join the brilliant, hard-driving, stubborn, inspired, passionate people redefining what’s achievable, and the technology empowering them, at Oracle OpenWorld’.

Well, we couldn’t agree more. Here are 5 reasons we hope to see you at Oracle OpenWorld.

1. Knowledge sharing and the future of Oracle Marketing Cloud

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the job – everyone needs to refresh their knowledge base every now and then.  No matter what size your team, no matter how global your role, sometimes coming together under one shared space can give you exposure to a variety of points of view. It can highlight new trends and ideas that can impact your company’s future. If you plan your days properly, Oracle OpenWorld can give you insight into technological advancements in marketing.

Oracle’s Marketing Cloud Suite of products is industry leading. In the “Evolving Customer” sessions we should be hearing some awesome success stories and new product developments.

2. Get hands-on with marketing technology tools and solutions…

Do you look at the exhibition hall and groan when you go to big events? Salespeople waiting for you to make eye contact as we quickly scan the room for the best swag. It can be a bit painful. But it’s the best way to access industry suppliers and speak to the experts. If you want to know more about the current business atmosphere, keep up with new solutions and understand your competition, invest in time with event sponsors (like Formulayt Solutions!) and get ahead of the game. 

Oracle and Oracle partners will be demonstrating a host of sales and marketing tech in the vendor lounge. Don’t forget your swag bag!

3. Meet other marketing pros and share ideas…

Connect with your peers and hear from marketing innovators. Hear how thought leaders are using data and AI to enhance their marketing. Network, network and network a bit more. It’s a great way to collaborate with people that you don’t often come in contact with. Who knows what new ideas and inspiration can stem from a conversation with a new acquaintance? Get to know the people around you. Take notes and speak with presenters if you can. Oracle OpenWorld has a wide range of talks and presentations for audiences from sales systems to tech databases.

4. Keynote speakers…

Big events like Oracle OpenWorld bring amazing industry experts to speak at the keynote events…but they also get a huge range of overall inspiring humans too. This year does not disappoint. With an astronaut, sailor, comedian and an AI expert, there really will be something for everyone. Human experience, fuelled by digital advancements and technological ecosystems. We look forward to hearing their stories.

5. Come and see Formulayt Solutions…

Okay, okay. Time for our shameless plug. But if all of the above doesn’t get you to Oracle OpenWorld, maybe learning more about ways to improve your lead generation efforts will. 

If you use Oracle Eloqua for lead generation you need to see Formulayt Solutions in action. You might just find a way of improving lead numbers, lead quality and the speed of building out your campaigns. We’ll be talking about ways we help our customers scale dynamic web forms, reducing costs and increasing leads. 

We’d love to learn more about the challenges your organisation faces so stop by and say hello. 
